
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

African-American Lynch Mob

David Horowitz

Is anybody else out there as sick and tired as I am of lynch mob racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (vide: Tawana Brawley, the Duke Lacrosse kids) who don the mantel of the “civil rights” movement to indict non-blacks in advance of the facts, and incite racial rage against them? Yet that is exactly what they – and scores of black leaders — are doing to an Hispanic individual named George Zimmerman. Along with a cast of thousands, they are holding him guilty of racism before the fact, justifying a hatred, as inflammatory as the hatred once spewed by southern crackers against blacks.

There is no evidence whatsoever that race was a defining factor in the tragic death of Trayvon Martin. Notwithstanding the absence of evidence, this unhappy incident is now the occasion for school shut-downs, mass marches and public death threats by enraged African Americans, displaying behaviors reminiscent of the lynch mobs that were once a scourge of their parents’ generation in a now rejected past.

And Obama joined the mob.
Not willing to be separated from his racial constituency, even when they are behaving badly, Obama has lent his prestige to the insinuation that the crime was inspired by the victim’s race. Otherwise there would be no reason to mention the fact that “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” Everyone who has a son should be concerned by the loss of this life. By making it racial, the president is establishing guilt without evidence, and indicting non-black America as well.

The display of racial outrage over this case is a national disgrace. It is a throwback to the past and a shameful repudiation of the values the civil rights movement once stood for but apparently does no longer.

Obama is reflexively siding with his black constituency, as he did in the case of Henry Louis Gates. It’s a reminder that he was and remains a community organizer and has not really adopted the role of President of all the people.

Want a sample of unfiltered racial hatred? Check out the tweets at #Travon.

A very ugly truth is being revealed. The black community has at its core a burning hatred of the white community and that core is using this tragedy as an opportunity to show its naked face. As a result the suspicion will grow on the part of many whites that their black friends, acquaintances, the people they see in the street and in the store, hate them underneath a façade of civility. How do you view people who you believe may hate you? To say this is not helpful may be the understatement of the year.

Spike Lee, as part of the black lynch mob, posted what he thought was the address of the Hispanic, Democrat man who killed Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman.  Turns out that he posted the address of an elderly couple who are now in fear of their lives.

Here is a picture of wealthy film maker Spike Lee, doing the Dumbass Thing.   His Twitter address is @spikelee   where you will find all the hatred poured out.  It turns your stomach.  it's like watching a really gruesome accident, but it's deliberate, an incitement to violence, race hatred in the raw.

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