
Monday, March 26, 2012

Before and After - The Media

The "child" is not the cute little 12 year old portrayed in all the images, he was a 6' 2" self-styled "tough guy" (on his Facebook page)
The original picture was scrubbed.  Here's Trayvon All Grownup (now scrubbed)

But I copied the picture to my computer.  So here it is again.

Here's George Zimmerman 
Glenn Reynolds:
DOES THIS MEAN THE PRESS ACTED STUPIDLY? Black friend defends shooter of Florida teen.“George Zimmerman is not a racist and cried for days after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a black, longtime friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday in a sympathetic portrayal of a man maligned by critics as a trigger-happy bigot. Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. After attracting little notice initially, the case gained widespread attention, sparking protests and renewing a national debate about race.”

Actually, it’s a national debate about press irresponsibility and political dishonesty. And the more information that comes out, the less there seems to be to debate.

UPDATE: Blog comment of the day: “Remember Obama saying about Major Hasan [how] we shouldn’t jump to judgement?”

MORE: Reader John Oglesby writes: “Zimmerman is a ‘White Hispanic’? t seems they’ll use whatever fits their narrative. If a Caucasian man had shot a hooded Zimmerman, there’s no way they’d be calling him a White Hispanic.” No, then he’d be a Latino, full-stop.

I thought at the beginning of this press-created frenzy that if Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are on the case, the odds are that white guy is innocent. Now it turns out the "white" guy is only white if you allow the media to re-define racial idendity.  

Zimmerman's attorney claims
"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head, he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening," ..."This was a case of self defense."

Trayvon Martin, 17, was fatally shot by neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman. (Martin Family/AP Photo)

More "before" (old) pictures of Trayvon Martin supplied by his family while the press continues to show Zimmerman in a photo that looks like it was taken by the police.

UPDATE:  Attention Slaves. Your Masters Depend On Your Continued Credulity. VanderLeun wants to show that there is no longer an all-powerful media "memory hole."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I did an lol using your photo on ichc for pundit kitchen. Didn't see a copywrite, so figured it was okay to get it out as much as possible. There may actually be some who still don't know the truth. Let me know if you want it removed. God bless! flyhawk
