
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obama Dog Jokes

From Frank J.:
Obama 2012: “Hasn’t eaten a dog in awhile.”

Obama: “Well what was I supposed to do with the leftovers from my dog fighting ring?”

I thought something funny would happen to Obama like when Carter was bitten by a rabbit, but I was way off.

“I promise you: If you like your dog, you can keep him. Though I may ask you to share some with me.”

Obama: “Call me a ‘foodie,’ but I really love the Westminster Dog Show.”

Cesar Milan: “Remember, it’s exercise, discipline, then affection.” Obama: “Yeah, but what temperature do I set the oven?”

Obama was so disappointed when he went to Taco Bell and found out they didn’t actually have Chihuahuas.
Read more.

UPDATE: Welcome IMAO fans. He's another one you'll like.


  1. Just wanted to say thanks for the link.

    And to mention that the link to IMAO in the sidebar is misspelled :-)

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "What are we going to eat, Mr. President?" "Well, I know a great Spot!"

  3. "I know a great Spot." That's good!
