
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Antarctic ice shelves not melting at all, new field data show

The Virginian Pilot recently ran a story by Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press stating that global warming was causing the oceans to rise because of melting ice.  They went  even further telling us that the rise of the ocean was greater in this area.  When I read that, I went "HUH?"   The ocean rising in spots?  How is that possible?  Look at the globe; all the oceans are connected.  Did you even get the water in one end of a bathtub to go higher than the other end?  How does a story like that pass the smell test?  Are people with English Lit degrees totally, incredibly, immutably stupid? 

Of course the give away was the part about global warming which is now more religion than science.  Faith can turn water into wine, and cause the oceans to rise more in spots.  It can even cause oceans to rise despite the fact that the poles are not melting.  The "melting of the poles"  myth was always based on computer models rather than actual observation.  When real scientists went to look, by golly, the poles were not melting after all. 
Twenty-year-old models which have suggested serious ice loss in the eastern Antarctic have been compared with reality for the first time - and found to be wrong, so much so that it now appears that no ice is being lost at all.

Read the whole thing.  They even got elephant seals involved. 

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