
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Are you lost, Daddy?"

Mark Steyn gives us the background of the answer that we get from the Left "Shut up." 
It's an oft-retailed quote. But fewer people know the line that precedes it (in Lardner's novel The Young Immigrunts): a kid asking, "Are you lost, Daddy?"

It's hard to admit you took a wrong turn, harder yet when you are an elected oficial and the crap that you have been spreading to the gullible public makes things go horribly wrong.
As any motoring pater knows, it's not easy to give an honest answer to that question. And the hardest thing of all is to turn around and go back, retracing your steps to the point where you made the wrong turn. If you're a politician, it's even harder. Leviathan has no reverse gear: "Forward!" as the Obama campaign's 2012 slogan puts it. Yet in the end, if any of the Western world is to survive, it has to find a way to turn around, to go back.

Take the euro. It should not exist. It should never have been invented. And, ultimately, it is necessary to find a way to disinvent it. Yet even one of the least deluded of Continental leaders cannot acknowledge the need to turn around: To Angela Merkel, the euro is not a mere currency but what she calls a "Schicksalsgemeinschaft" — or "community of destiny." Forward — to — destiny! Frau Merkel, like M. Hollande in Paris, has determined that what the Greeks and the Portuguese and the Spanish need is "more Europe." Onward!
What’s ironic is the fact that the EU was supposed to prevent the Germans from ever again threatening to over-run Europe. Now Europe is begging Germany to become master of the continent in an effort to save the EU.

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