
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ann Coulter is willing to say what Fast & Furious is: the Obama Administration putting guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels so that people would be killed.

Why are Republicans unwilling to come out and say it?  Because the Obama plan was so monstrous that people have trouble believing it.  Because unless they get the documents from the Justice Department, they can’t prove it.  And because Republicans have not learned the lessons that Democrats learned decades ago. 
Here’s the rationale: 

Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals' argument for gun control....

Precisely because this is such a jaw-dropping accusation -- criminality at the highest level of government to score a political point -- Republicans refuse to make it.... The only explanation for Fast and Furious is that it was a program to prop up a losing gun control argument. The Waco and Ruby Ridge raids were monstrous, but they at least made sense as simple screw-ups: (1) ATF's budget was about to be cut and it needed some showy raids; and (2) law enforcement officials detest private gun ownership on principle.

There is no conceivable law enforcement objective to giving Mexican drug dealers thousands of untrackable guns. It's not even fun for the agents, like an armed raid on a private home. If there's some other explanation, Holder isn't telling.

Ann makes the point that Democrats don’t let a little thing tike facts stand in the way of making outlandish accustions: 

Accusing Karl Rove of treason.

Accusing McCain of adultery

The bottom line is simple and hard to face, even in a country where corruption is institutionalized and scandal is commonplace: 

Innocent people dying was the objective of Fast and Furious, not collateral damage.

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