
Sunday, July 29, 2012

My God, Their God

A thought for Sunday.
A recent op-ed in the Virginian Pilot ridiculed the Cathy family who owns Chick-fil-A and made a reference that’s found in lots of commentary by the Left when disparaging your average Christian.  Liberals, when they acknowledge the possibility that God exists, always imagine a God who agrees with them.  In the case of Daryl Lease, “I don't think God is that mean and nasty”  (referring to the God he imagines the Cathys worship).

But why is Daryl assuming that they average Christian believes in a God that’s “mean and nasty?”  After all,  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  So what is this accusation about the Christian God being mean and nasty?

From the beginning men have felt a powerful need to believe in something greater than themselves.  For many, that meant the creation of Gods.  These man-created Gods had rules that had to be obeyed or the Gods would become wrathful and cause bad things to happen.  Incur the wrath of these gods and a sacrifice was demanded: often a human sacrifice. 

The Jews developed a very complex set of rituals designed to keep them on the “right” side of Jehovah.  Christianity essentially evolved from Judaism by replacing the rituals with the atonement available to sinners through Jesus Christ.

The Liberal version of Christianity dispenses with the belief in Jesus as the Son of God. I have been told that a majority of ministers in the Christian church don’t really believe that Jesus is God's son(which makes me wonder, is being a minister or priest just a job?). 

So why refer to your version of God at all when discussing people who believe in Christ and the Bible?  Perhaps to mock them as retrograde moral monsters.  But perhaps there is a vestigial belief in a God of some kind.  But since a God has rules that must be obeyed, it’s convenient to create a God that approves of all the things you approve of.  That way, it’s all good.  And as the culture moves on and things that are considered evil today are approved of tomorrow, that God will evolve with the zeitgeist, conveniently.

If there is no sin, there’s no need for atonement.  And for most people that’s a good thing.

God loves you Daryl, but you're making it hard for a mere mortal to obey God's command to love your enemies.  Let us pray for God's forgiveness for the sins we have committed.


  1. I found it very wise never ever ever to piss on or off ones God.

  2. Stephen M Lawrence7:01 PM

    Having just returned from a very nice family vacation at VB, along with some nice daytime touring of the Eastern Shore, I must tell you that the only disturbing part of the trip was reading opinion from the asshole writer in the Virginian Pilot. I guess they feel a need to have an insufferable whiny liberal so that big city newspapers acknowledge them as speaking truth to power and then accept them into the club. When we first visited, around fifteen years ago, I do not remember putting up with that horse%#^€ in the local rag. It is disconcerting to know that the places where an intelligent newspaper can be found is decreasing rapidly. Soon there will be nothing left for real Americans.
