
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Clinton: I'm responsible for diplomats' security

A fairly desperate move and one that will be seized on by Obama Media Complex.  But it will not move the needle.  Just as the President gets the blame or praise for the state of the economy, he cannot duck responsibility for foreign disasters; at least not in the minds of the American people.
Her remarks drew a quick response from three Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee, including ranking member John McCain.
Clinton's statement of responsibility was "a laudable gesture, especially when the White House is trying to avoid any responsibility whatsoever," the Arizona senator said in a joint broadside with Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire. However, they added, "The security of Americans serving our nation everywhere in the world is ultimately the job of the commander-in-chief. The buck stops there."
From the comments:
Obama first hid behind Susan Rice, and now Hillary Clinton.
Obama is a coward hiding behind women.
Hillary is more of a man than Obama is.

 I think you're mistaken. I don't Obama & Biden are involved in security meetings. They have far more important business, I'm not sure what that business is, but it's more important than security.
Paul at Powerline
Clinton did not, and cannot, take the fall for the false statements by the Obama administration about what happened in Benghazi. The State Department, which was following events there in real time, knew that this was a terrorist attack, not a protest. Yet, days after the attack, the administration mischaracterized it as a protest that spun out of control against a movie. That’s on Obama, not Clinton.

He also points out that Hillary passed the responsibility off on underlings. 

The DiploMad 2.0:
Note she "takes responsibility" but the "specific decisions" on security were made by "security professionals." Translation: If anybody screwed up, hey, it was those professionals, not me. Otherwise, why would we need an investigation to "get to the bottom of it"? The career bureaucrats can hear the war drums, smell the war paint, and will be sharpening their knives. They know that the Secretary has just put a target on them.


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