
Sunday, October 21, 2012

George McGovern is Dead

Shakespeare: "The evil that men do, lives on; the good, often interred with their bones." 

Steven Hayward at Powerline

Everyone who knew George McGovern will tell you—I heard this first from George Will many years ago—that McGovern was one of the most gentle, decent persons you’d ever encounter in American politics. “He comes on like Muzak,” James Jackson Kilpatrick wrote of him, “which descendeth like the gentle dew.” But McGovern’s name will always be associated, rightly, with the extreme leftward lurch of the Democratic Party.

Read the whole thing in which some assert that McGovern was simply carried along with the radical fringe of the Democrat Party.
McGovern was a disaster for America. Whether he was a decent man I leave to others to judge. However, his candidacy effectively transformed one of the two major parties into a party that despised the founding principles of America, as only intellectuals can despise their own people, history and country. Compare the Democrats pre-McGovern to the Republicans today and you’ll see that they were more conservative than Republicans in many respects. That’s because the tidal pull of the Democrat Party Left has moved the middle of “acceptable” opinion so far that the country elected a President in 2008 who disliked America so much he vowed to fundamentally change it. And the country voted for it. For all this we have to thank George McGovern. I understand that Neville Chamberlain was also a decent man.   Then there was World War II.

1 comment:

  1. I have some choice words for McGovern over at my blog.
