
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Team Obama is trying to drag the video back into the Benghazi attack.

Team Obama is trying to drag the video back into the Benghazi attack.

Team Obama has a problem. They are stuck with Ambassador Susan Rice blaming the Benghazi attack on an Anti-Islam video. They are using the CIA as the source of this bit of disinformation. If the video is not to blame for the attack, they have no defense for sending Rice out on the 15th with a false narrative. So they now have a new theory and are testing it out to see if anyone buys it.

It goes like this: “militants” were watching TV and saw the riots in Egypt. The rioters blamed the video for rioting. So Benghazi “militants” took the outrage over the video and decided to attack the US consulate on the spur of the moment.
The first time I heard this narrative was from Geraldo Rivera on Fox & Friends. He was adamant. Rivera was unequivocal: the video as to blame. There was no other reason for the attack: not the anniversary of 9/11, not Obama killing Bin Laden and spiking the football, not the drone strikes, not anything else except a lousy video that no one ever saw.
That still leaves the fact that a crowd never gathered to protest around the consulate. That still leaves the lack of adequate security about our mission in Libya. That still leaves the fact that our people in the Benghazi consulate were giving real-time information to the State Department in the US and in Tripoli. This story has so many holes that Steve Hayes dismembers it (and the people acting as administration mouthpieces) and leaves it bleeding on the floor.
The real problem with this narrative is that the American people are not going to buy it. After 12 years of watching and experiencing Islamic violence, the American people are not going to accept lies that absolve these people of their violence. The only people who are going to buy it are people who are ideologically committed to the Obama worldview. Of course that includes most members of the mainstream media.  So you may be hearing more of this spin in the next few weeks. 

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