
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thousands call Planned Parenthood for mammograms after Obama's claim

You are aware that Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms, cancer screenings and all the other non-abortion services that Obama uses to defend funding the nation's largest string of abortion clinics, aren't you?

"When Gov. Romney says that we should eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood, there are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for not just contraceptive care, they rely on it for mammograms,” said Obama Oct. 16 during the second presidential debate.

Planned Parenthood does not actually provide women with mammograms, but refers patients out to other facilities for the exam.

“Call it for what it is … if you're not doing mammograms, don't say that you do them,” Kate Bryan, communications director for Live Action, told EWTN News Oct. 19.

In response to the implication that the organization provides mammograms, the pro-life groups And Then There Were None and Live Action organized “Call Planned Parenthood to Schedule Your Imaginary Mammogram Day.”

Bryan said the idea was generated by And Then There Were None, and that Live Action “thought it was a great idea, to get to the bottom of it and expose the truth.”

Participants called the organization's national toll-free number to be connected to their local center, and were instructed to “tell Planned Parenthood you would like to schedule a mammogram,” according to Live Action's website.

The event's Facebook page asserted that “President Obama, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, celebrities in Hollywood and countless Planned Parenthood supporters claim over and over that they” provide mammograms.

It also showed that 1,975 persons confirmed that they were participating in the event to “call out” Planned Parenthood, a turnout that Bryan deemed “a great success.”

In a February episode of The Joy Behar Show, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said that “ if this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, (but) to basic family planning. You know, mammograms, cancer screenings,” referring to a GOP-backed bill that would have cut funding to the organization.

Bryan characterized Richards' and Obama's comments as claiming Planned Parenthood is “doing all these live-saving treatments,” and“taking credit for” mammograms.

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