
Saturday, January 12, 2013

David Gregory will not be prosecuted, The Ruling Class protects its own.

Not even a slap on the wrist.
"Prosecutorial Discretion"
Letter to Gregory's lawyer: tell your client of our "deep concern."
Let's call it the David Gregory exemption.
David Gregory is better than you.
Not guilty by virtue of importance.
Some animals more equal than others.
Somewhere, John “There are Two Americas” Edwards is smiling.
Laws are for the Little People.
America's “nomenklatura.”
This teaches us all a valuable lesson – they have power, you don’t.

So there are indeed two law systems in the United States–one for the political elite, corporate donors, and the state-run press, and another for everyone else.

It' s pure coincidence, I'm sure that David Gregory's wife, superlawyer Beth Wilkinson, is a friend of DC Attorney General Irvin Nathan.  Here's a picture of the two at a swank DC gathering.

What’s important is that the connection reinforces proves sets in stone public perception, as Emily Miller put it, of one law for “the rich and powerful and one for everyone else.”

James Brinkley didn’t participate in mock trials with Irvin Nathan at the Washington, D.C. Shakespeare Theater. He participated in a real trial in court against Nathan’s office, as told by Miller several days ago, If you’re not David Gregory …:

Despite the evidence Mr. Brinkley had been legally transporting the gun, his attorney Richard Gardiner said the D.C. Office of the Attorney General “wouldn’t drop it.” …. Mr. Brinkley refused to take a plea bargain and admit guilt, so the matter went to trial Dec. 4. The judge sided with Mr. Brinkley, saying he had met the burden of proof that he was legally transporting.
The question is, who is more contemptible: David Gregory or Irving Nathan?

Glenn Reynolds: 
If there were equal justice under the law, what would be the point of being a Very Important Person?

The DC Metro Police Department is hearing from the Little People.  There was a French king once who had the same problem.  It didn't end well.

Samuel Johnson: 
To permit a law to be modified at discretion, is to leave the community without law. ... He that is thus governed lives not by law, but by opinion; not by a certain rule, to which he can apply his intention before he acts, but by an uncertain and variable opinion, which he can never know but after he has committed the act, on which that opinion shall be passed. He lives by a law, if a law it be, which he can never know before he has offended it.

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