
Sunday, February 24, 2013

NY TIMES is trusted source for al-Qaida

The UK Telegraph provided us with a translation of al-Qaeda's 22 tips for dodging drones. When you go to the document you will note that al-Qaida relies on the New York Times to report to them what the American military is up to.
I have said in my article “Strategies of Capabilities for Ansar al-Sharia” that the American retaliation against the Mujahideen military movements in Ibyan province will be restricted to the war of the drone. My expectations have been assured after the recent New York Times leakage that the CIA will handle the situation, and for this, it set up a secret military base for the drones in a neighboring country.* It is important now that we understand this American army strategy and discuss ways to disable this strategy.

This makes Rush Limbaugh's spoof commercial for the NY Times subscription both funny and true.

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