
Friday, February 15, 2013

Political Science Prof Bans Students From Using FOXNEWS As Source...

Via DRUDGE. Those open minded Liberals in academia.

The syllabus tells students in a West Liberty University political science course what sources they can and cannot use.
Among those students are asked not to use are The Onion, an openly fictitious parody of real-life news, and Fox News, a professional news organization.
In the syllabus, the professor allegedly says, "The tagline Fox News makes me cringe."


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    More libberish!

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I tend to agree with the prof. Fox news has been labeled as fixed news, fox noise,it is so biased it's comical no need to watch cartoons or comedies tune in to fox republican news channel I've never watched a better bunch of comedians ever it's hilarious. Should be banned from TV. At least the other channels show both sides and you can still get to see the republican, and tea pottie comedians!!! LOL

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    So much for the 1st Amendment! Interesting that a School with "Liberty" in it's name would infringe on one's ability to express one's Liberty!!

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Communist countries control what students can view and read....and have "professors" dictate thinking.

  5. Think about this, people. PoliSci is nothing but fancy name for political issues marketing. Which, of course, is 'best way to wax a turd'.
    So, never mind your actual personal political views, if the content of either of those successful ventures makes this woman ill..then she is INCOMPETENT and students and parents should demand their money back.
