
Saturday, December 07, 2013

Matthews, Soap Opera and the Fanbois ("HE came amongst us.")

Rush Limbaugh calls it the “Soap Opera” playing out in the heads of the media. Ace of Spades calls it the “MacGuffin” and both are saying pretty much the same thing. The media are not interested in the American people and how Obama is destroying an entire culture. The media are focused on Obama, the “Hero” in the movie - or soap opera - playing in their heads.

"The object of the [a soap opera] is entertainment through a daily, hokey maintenance of suspense," i.e., Crisis. The Democrat Party, every day a new crisis. "This necessarily requires the viewer's suspension of disbelief, particularly when it comes to the lead characters. Depending on what improbable twists and turns the plot must take to meet the demands of day-in-day-out drama, the stars of the show slip seamlessly from villain's to hero's role, from incorrigible vice to transcendent virtue.

"Soap fans buy in because they know it is not real. It is, to the contrary, their escape from reality. Politics is our reality. It only seems like soap opera because of the way it is covered: Right into your living room, day-in-day-out, celebrity journalists present the adventures of their fellow dramatis personae, celebrity pols. The journalists portray politics, moreover, as suspense," the daily horse race. How's Obama doing? It's not whether Obamacare's decent, not whether it's harmful, not whether it's constitutional.  But is Obama gonna be helped or is Obama going to be hurt?

Politics is now a MacGuffin in American politics, at least for the frothing fanbois of the Hero Barack Obama.

It doesn't matter what his goals actually are -- it only matters that he succeeds in those quests, whatever they might be.

And this isn't a new phenomenon, either. Since the beginning of this movie, the fanbois have cared very little for MacGuffins (notice they don't care how many thousands of Americans have died in Afghanistan), but have been intensely interested in the Hero's emotional response to it all.

You root for the Hero to win because you like the Hero -- not because you're particularly invested in the Hero's actual goals. And you despise the Villains simply because they're standing in the way of the Hero's triumph.

Chris Matthews sums up, neatly, his only genuine interest in American politics for the past five years:

“We have real people in this country with real power and status who have used that status of power to hurt the country so they could hurt the president.”

Only the Hero matters. The MacGuffin never does.

The Hero is our hopes and dreams. And the Hero has come to us; he has come amongst us.
Chris Matthews invokes the King James Version of the Bible as he talks of his god:

 “HE came amongst us.”  
He really said that!

 Fanatical followers, “fanbois,” he of the thrill up his leg. It will go down as one of the great “tells.” At this point you realize that idolatry is not an ancient concept but is alive and well in Progressive America.  The people you see above are not reporters, they are acolytes, apostles, followers, writing a movie script in which the American people are extras whose lives don't matter.  The people are the background over which their play is staged.  Their lives, their deaths, their dreams are unimportant.  Death in Afghanistan; who cares?  Losing your health insurance and your doctor; so what?  Lost your job and can't find another; so what?  What's important, in focus, crucial, is how HE feels, how HE achieves his goals, how HE wins the MacGuffin.  Meanwhile the producers of this soap opera are wealthy and don't have to worry about the things that the Country Class worries about.  If these people ever became self-aware could they live with themselves?  

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