
Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Obama ‘he ruined it for us. White people don’t feel guilty no more and won’t do stuff for us now

Worse, we don’t get to exploit the white guilt any more because that’s not there these days. It’s all gone. He done did it. He ruined it for us. White people don’t feel guilty no more and won’t do stuff for us now that they used to do so fast you wouldn’t believe it”, a Thinker in a bright, pretty pink blouse offered.

“All of it is gone. They used it all up to elect him and to scream at anyone who said boo to him in the last four years. White people got used to being called racist all the time and aren’t scared about it anymore. I have no idea how I’m going to get funding for my programs now because I always counted on white people being too scared to say no to anything we needed at work. This is a disaster for the black community and it’s all because they put all the eggs in his basket and he f***ed it all up”.

That was a few years ago.

Now, thanks for the fake "rape epidemic" and the attack on Memories Pizza by white Liberals stoked by the media, there are a lot more people who are not going to roll over any more for Liberal bullying.

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