
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Watching the Hillary movie.

Ann Althouse, a law professor at UW Madison and prolific blogger, wrote about Hillary’s stop at a Chipotle’s restaurant, where no one recognized her.

Her take on this event is that Hillary simply did not want to be recognized; leave her alone.

Ann’s mistake is that her “take” is like watching the rushes of a movie in the making; the focus is what’s on the screen. What’s really going on is that Hillary’s making a movie. Let’s pull back from the camera and look at the movie set.

A movie set consist of (among others) cameramen, lighting specialists, groups of extras, props, the director, script writers, wranglers and the actors. It’s a village. And that’s what a presidential campaign is. When we look at the pictures of the candidate we’re looking at the actor in front of the camera. And the actor isn’t playing to the crew around him but to the audience watching the movie.

Hillary’s getting kidded for being ignored by the people in the restaurant. People are asking why it took her 45 minutes to eat and why she wasn't glad-handing the servers and patrons.

Think about this for a minute. Clinton and her staffers drive cross country and stop to eat and NONE of them make an effort to interact with the locals? That is damn weird - as if they felt uncomfortable amongst the locals.

And if that is the case, why did they even do the cross country drive if they are going to avoid people?

But that’s not the reason for the stop. The reason for the stop is to get media coverage for stopping to eat at a popular middle-class restaurant. It says to the people watching the news: “she’s just like us.” The restaurant is the set.  Her van is a prop.  The patrons are extras.  Her campaign manager is the director.  Hillary's the star.  The crew making the movie include the press. They are the cameramen, the assistant script writers, and the publicity department.

Even the story that no-one recognized her works for the Hillary movie. Because there is only so much time in the day and the focus on Hillary means that her opponents get ignored while the cameras are focused on Hillary.

The next set after Chipotle was the auto shop of a junior college where The Star delivered her lines to the extras chosen from the students.  

Watching the daily rushes misses the point of what's really going on.  We are watching a movie being made:  "Hillary Saves the World."

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