
Sunday, June 07, 2015

‘Dear Reader, The Editor Hates Your F—ing Guts’

Yeah.  That applies to pretty much every MSM news outlet.  Including the Virginian Pilot.

 I was always curious why people who work for news papers think that insulting your customers is a good business model.  The fact that it's not means that people in this industry are losing their jobs.  But they still tell the customers they hate that

[Newspaper X] is critical to the region’s well-being and success. In any way you can, you should support the X" and other media, and tell them what you like and hate. But if you dismiss them, and all of us, you dismiss the only real defense society has against everything you spend so much time complaining about — that matters.

Note the self-importance. It's not the local auto plant, or, in the case of our area, the US Navy; it's the f***ing news paper. Because the local organ of the Democrat party is the real defense against everything we spend so much time complaining about even though the paper is an ally of everything we spend so much time complaining about.

Oh, and if you complain about it and we don't it doesn't matter. WE ARE THE ARBITERS OF WHAT'S IMPORTANT.
In 1992, the late Ginny Carroll, a bureau chief for the then-Washington Post-owned Newsweek, publicly admitted without a jot of shame on C-SPAN that during that year’s Republican Convention, she wore a button that announced to her magazine’s current and potential readers, “Yeah, I’m with the Media — Screw You.”

Nearly a quarter century and millions of alienated and departed subscribers later, and even as they continue to implode further, the DNC-MSM just can’t get the basic message that sneering at your customers does not make them eager to return for more of the same abuse.

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