
Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's a mass psychosis.

Ann Coulter gets to the heart of the issue.

The hysterical demand for never-ending Third World immigration has gone beyond the rich's need for cheap servants and the Democrats' need for voters. It's a mass psychosis.

Everyone acts as if Pakistani pushcart operators are the same as American blacks, and we're required to bring them here to make up for the legacy of slavery.

Foreigners aren't the descendants of American slaves! The rest of the world does not have a civil right to move here. We're under no moral imperative to allow any immigration at all. We don't owe citizens of other countries anything.

But as long as you brought it up: They owe us. America runs around saving other countries from tsunamis, earthquakes, pirates, disease, starvation, warlords, dictators, Nazis, communists -- then their citizens show up full of grievances, as if we owe them.

Angry Muslims have been popping up all over TV to denounce Trump and complain about anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. If they'd prefer a country with a larger Muslim population and no white devil oppressors, low-rent mud huts are available in any of about 50 Muslim countries around the world. First month free; after that, two goats a month.

In addition to the thoughtful policy objection that Trump is a racist, we've been treated to an endless stream of stunningly stupid arguments against Trump's proposal.

Fox News' Dana Perino complained that Trump's policy doesn't "distinguish the peaceful from the radicals."

Yeah, nor can our government. ...

Beginning to sense the public's fury, a number of Republican politicians have been trying to talk tough on immigration. This week, Trump proved that that's all it is: talk.

Read the whole thing.

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