
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Dear Snowflakes, here’s what oppression REALLY looks like

precious snowflake Otto Warmbier, UVA class of 2031

Why would anyone, much less a college student want to take a trip to North Korea?  And why are they so stupid as to think that American leniency applies there?

Many college kids nowadays are really insufferable.

They complain because their homework is getting in the way of their activism. They freak out because a speaker they disagree with steps foot on their campus. They cry that they “can’t breathe” because of some nebulous “institutionalized racism.” With the support and tutelage of their professors, they decry their campuses — and indeed the entire United States of America — as oppressive.

Well, I have a message for these special snowflakes. Do you want to know what REAL oppression looks like? How about 15 years hard labor for attempting to steal a poster? How about being imprisoned in a jail where you’re so hungry that eating corn out of cow dung or, if you’re really lucky – catching a mouse – is considered a meal. How about being served “justice” by a court not ruled by a jury of your peers but rather a totalitarian government that cares less than nothing for your tears?

Enter the world of 21-year-old University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier, who was just sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for trying to nick a political banner from a hotel in Pyongyang, capital of the North Korea communist regime.

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