
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

News Flash: Chicago gang bangers don't get their guns legally!

A recent study that was conducted by the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab has learned that Chicago criminals do not acquire their guns from gun shops, gun shows or the internet.

The study examined and interviewed inmates in Chicago’s Cook County Jail who are either facing current gun charges, or have a background consisting of firearms related convictions.

The study learned that virtually zero criminals have ever used the internet or gun shows, because that method is easily traceable. It’s much safer for a criminal to acquire firearms on the streets where they’re harder to keep track of, and that’s most criminals method of choice.

Furthermore, University of Chicago Crime lab co-director, Harold Pollack, said that criminals “were less concerned about getting caught by the cops than being put in the position of not having a gun to defend themselves and then getting shot.”

What would we do without experts?  And this is why more gun laws don't work.

I wonder if this will come as news to the editors of the Virginian Pilot who seem fixated on ending gun violence by passing more laws keeping criminals from getting guns.  But then, the Virginian Pilot writers and editors drive for gun control laws is really a lie.  They want you disarmed because a disarmed people are more easily controlled by the government and they are the Party of Government. Fascists with a smiley face. 

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