
Thursday, July 07, 2016

Did Hillary Get a "Pussy Pass"?

If you have been keeping up with the Hillary email scandal (and who hasn't) and you are living in reality, one has to wonder whether the decision not to prosecute Hillary is just a way to twist the law in order to give Hillary a pussy pass.

The urban dictionary defines pussy pass as: "the phenomenon that female criminals get off with a lighter sentence than males" and describes it with an example: "That woman who killed her babies used her pussy pass to get off on probation."

So women who do unspeakable things get off often because people perceive women to have a more pure intent then men. Sure, she killed the babies but there was a good reason.

In Hillary Clinton's case, the good reason was no malicious intent. She should get a gentle scolding and the American people should understand how she just made a little careless mistake that could have cost them their lives. But no worries. It's just a special pass for the anointed ones.

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