
Saturday, June 10, 2017

It’s pure Maoist Cultural Revolution style mob insanity.

More from Evergreen State.

Evergreen State College is nestled far away from reality in the misty paradise of Olympia, Washington, a mossy and supernatural village which is run by lesbian elves and transgender circus performers. The school bears the dubious distinction of being “one of the least selective universities in the nation with an admittance rate of 98%.”

Over the past couple weeks, Evergreen has leapfrogged over Yale, Mizzou, and even Berkeley to become the most eagerly self-castrating school of higher learning in the US of A.

Reaching back to the 1970s, the school has hosted an annual “Day of Absence” in which nonwhite students and faculty were encouraged to skip school and reflect elsewhere on how much it sucked to go to a racist school with racist teachers and racist students and racist buildings with racist libraries full of all that racist knowledge, even though their educations were likely almost entirely funded by racist white taxpayers. The annual holiday was supposed to underline what college life would be like without black people, which presumably would make white students feel bad about themselves and possibly even lead to mass self-sterilization in the hope of building a better future. (If you’ve ever wondered what a campus looks like without black people, this should give you an idea. At the risk of being honest, it doesn’t look all that bad.)

This year, due to caterwauling among Students of Color that they felt unsafe on the campus due to Donald Trump’s election—despite the statistical possibility that not a single teacher nor student on the entire campus voted for Trump or even dared to utter one public word in support of him—the Day of Absence’s organizers attempted to flip the script. Instead of the usual routine, which involved black students effectively playing hooky, white students were encouraged to stay off campus, where they could attend workshops that scrubbed their brains clean of any self-interest and instead filled their crania with wholesome and forward-looking feelings of self-loathing.

“It’s pure Maoist Cultural Revolution style mob insanity.”

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