
Monday, October 30, 2017

Alan Dershowitz: GOP, Dems Playing 'Same Dangerous Game' on Russia

It's too late. 

The Democrats were determined to overturn the election. 

Trump was the subject of a coup attempt.  And as I said in this post,

But the reaction of the Democrats and the rabid Left is unprecedented as they attempt to erase the results of a free and fair election.

And Trump is not your run-of-the-mill Republican "establishment" mush mouth. We may be witnessing the result of the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson “when you strike at the king you must kill him.”

I believe that Trump expected that the Left would act like any regular political party of the past when they lose an election.

They did not.

Instead, they attempted a political coup involving the FBI, the DOJ, riots in the streets … and a press that is 95% Democrats with bylines.

Trump is known for one big thing among others: when he’s attacked he strikes back. For the first time I have a feeling that some very high profile Democrats are going to end up in jail.

The Democrats had evidence that Trump was not your typical Republican pol; that's the reason he was elected.   He's not conventional.  He's not constrained by the "Old Boys" rules of the game.  He's not a crook and will not, like Richard Nixon, allow himself to be ushered out of office by the establishment.  If I could look into Nixon's soul during Watergate I would have seen a man who knew that he was doing wrong; and when confronted by the Republicans who went to see him he "knew" that what he had done was wrong.  Trump is blameless of the things he has been accused of.  and he does not revere the establishment ... he calls them the Swamp.

This will get uglier before it gets better.  But then, that's always the case, isn't it?

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