
Thursday, October 05, 2017

Nothing Makes Liberals Angrier Than Us Normals Insisting On Our Rights

I don’t agree with liberals often, because I’m not an idiot and because I love America, but when they once again say, “We must have a conversation about guns!” I still couldn’t agree more. And, since all we’ve heard is you leftists shrieking at us all week, I’ll start it off.

You don’t ever get to disarm us. Not ever.

There. It sure feels good to engage in a constructive dialogue.

Now, we should have this conversation because in recent years we’ve seen a remarkable antipathy for the fact that normal Americans even have rights among those on the left. We should have this conversation to clear the air before leftists push too far and the air gets filled with smoke. But we really don’t need to have a conversation about our rights to keep and bear arms. They’re rights. There’s nothing to talk about.

This goes for all our rights that the left hates, like the rights to speak and write freely, to practice our religion as we see fit, and to not be railroaded by liberal authority without due process. Leftists hate our rights because they hate us, and when we assert our rights it gets in the way of their malicious schemes to dominate and control us. It makes them stamp their little sandaled feet in rage when we normals just won’t cooperate and surrender our rights. But we love our rights – rights are wonderful things with which we were endowed by our Creator, and which our beloved Constitution merely reiterates. But the left, including its pet media, thinks that our rights were merely iterated, and that the left can take an eraser to the parchment and – voila! – no more pesky rights for you flyover people....

I, for one, am not super inclined to give up my ability to defend myself in response to demands by people who eagerly tell me they want me enslaved or dead. Literally dead.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:16 PM

    It strikes me as odd that the left hates our rights but does not hate EVIL.....

    They condemn those who are against murdering children yet to be born and they claim the Tea Party is racist and evil and they cannot accept that there are EVIL people in the world.

    The left believes the GUN is EVIL and not the shooter. Ban the gun and there will never be any massacres again.

    Wrong. Timothy McVeigh. Oklahoma City bombing killed 168 people. No Gun. Just EVIL.

    In a free society EVIL walks among us and it acts in ways to hurt people and destroy lives. You cannot stop this. Without getting religious all I can say is that there are some people in our society who are antisocial psychopaths (EVIL) who revel in others misery. There have always been people like this.

    The left must be tone deaf to think that it is better for them to start the gun control mantra immediately after this event instead of offering sympathy and support for those who have been wounded and the families of those who were killed. The only reason for ranting about gun control is because the left is more concerned about their policy agenda than they are the people whom they represent.

    Perhaps the left is EVIL???????? I hate to speculate.....
