
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Jake Tapper a Former Spokesman for Handgun Control, Inc.?

So says Gateway Pundit, quoting an old news story identifying one "Jake Tapper" as a spokesman for Handgun Control, Inc. (which would later become the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence).

Now, I suppose it's possible that the Jake Tapper mentioned here is not the same Jake Tapper who a large number of cucky "conservatives" have homoerotic (at the very least) crushes on, but I've scanned Jake Tapper's twitter feed for a claim like this -- "Wrong Jake Tapper," that kind of thing -- and as far as I can tell he's just completely ignoring it.

And when someone in the media simply ignores a charge that they obviously have the power to respond to -- well, you can decide for yourself.

Of course, CNN did not disclose this before, during, or after its rowdy, Beer Hall Putsch-style "townhall," nor have they ever disclosed it, as far as I know.

By the way, a father and daughter have come forward to accuse CNN not of "scripting" questions as another Parkland student alleged, but at least of only soliciting a certain kind of opinion for their political advertisement masquerading as news.

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