
Friday, April 06, 2018

The Atlantic Fires Kevin Williamson

Ace of Spades:

Social Justice Warriors have been trying to get Kevin Williamson fired from his just-started job at the meaningless dribble publication The Atlantic -- a magazine much admired by the cucks -- because he has previously tweeted that women who get abortions should maybe be hanged.

The Atlantic just fired him. They said they'd found a podcast appearance where Williamson repeated that tweet, and that they now believed this wasn't just a provocative joke but his "carefully considered" opinion.

It seems it was just yesterday that The Weekly Standard, which you should totally obey because they're smart guys who really "get" the current political environment, were blowing air-kisses to the liberal print media and claiming charges that it was without integrity were "deeply unserious."...

What will they say now? If they now denounce the leftist print media as totalitarian, that would establish two things:

1, They're wrong about everything all the time.

Which we already knew. Worse, it would establish:

2, They don't care about the left's totalitarian attacks on speech and belief until it gets someone in their own class.

I despise these cucks for this reason: Many of these people scoff at the notion that the leftwing is out for scalps. They are out to get people fired. They are out to ruin lives. They stand for the proposition that You shall repeat our cult dogmas or we will work as hard as possible to deny you the ability to even earn a living plying your trade in Current Year America.

Yet these cucks continue to engage in apologism for the left, claiming that only "paranoids" believe this about their Very Good Leftist Cocktail Party Friends.

They themselves are immune from the Recite Our Dogmas or Lose Your Job threat, because they are actually paid to write (nominally) conservative twaddle by (nominally) conservative magazines funded by (nominally) conservative billionaires.

Read the whole thing.

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