
Saturday, June 09, 2018

Voters beaten down by the politicizing of everything voted for the guy who makes a mockery of all of it.

The press says Mr. Trump is pushing the battle of the national anthem because it plays to his base. I suppose it does. But here’s what galls even non-Trumpians about this kneeling kerfuffle: We live in a world soaking in partisan politics. Then one day you wake up ready to relax with NFL Sunday, and you discover that “The Star-Spangled Banner” has become totally politicized. Any normal person, including liberals who won’t admit it, would have a three-word reaction to this spectacle, and the first two words begin with “w” and “t.”

So what else is new? Today, if someone has a grievance or beef, first thing they do is look for something to attach it to—the anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, 19th-century American fiction, Mom’s apple pie—anything that will draw the world’s attention, meaning the attention of the viral plague called social media.

I got an email this week from San Francisco flogging “Artists Get Political Ahead of Midterms.” How? By embedding political messages in everyday objects, such as bus kiosks, hand towels, bedspreads and toilets.

Then, even now, the people who voted for Hillary still claim to be shocked and stunned that an electorate beaten down by the politicization of everything in life voted for the guy who makes a mockery of all that.


The sophisticates in the media thought they could beat Donald Trump at this game by burying him under waves of negative publicity. But he feeds off of it, just as he turned the Philadelphia Eagles’ White House no-show into a display of patriotic music, with the maestro at the center.

When wealthy men playing a kid's game and the billionaire owners of sports teams coerced the citizens of North Caroline or Texas should they be surprised that the folks start pushing back? Thanks to Donald Trump normal people have a national champion who speaks for them and doesn't give a damn for their whining when they don't get their way. The NFL caved because Trump represents normal Americans rather than the pampered poodles who thought they were in the majority because they hold the media megaphones.  SURPRISE!  YOU DON'T ANY LONGER.

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