
Thursday, August 09, 2018

John Hawkins: "The Liberal Hate for White People Should Cost Them Big at The Ballot Box"

Liberal hate has removed the mask.
Liberalism is now full of people like Sarah Jeong who are excused for nursing racial grievances despite the fact that they are influential, privileged, and by any reasonable standard much more powerful than the average person. These are people who aim hatred toward white people because of the color of their skin, and then we’re told that they can’t be racist because minorities have no power in a country where a black man just spent eight years as president of the United States. Jesse Jackson has no power? Al Sharpton? Ta-Nehisi Coates? Julian Bond? Leonard Pitts? Marc Lamont Hill? Charles Blow? Cornel West? Shaun King? Aiming hatred at white people is an industry in the United States and it pays well in money and attention. That’s why it’s such a growing field on the Left.


So, should white people abandon the Democrats who hate their guts? Yes, they should. Why vote for someone who defends people who hate you because of the color of your skin? Why should any individual have to be a groveling apologist because he was born a certain color? Why support a party that is prejudiced against your white child because of the color of his skin? These guys are aiming the same kind of hate at white people as their ancestors used to do at black Americans -- and if you’re a white American who just shrugs your shoulders at that, you’re foolish....

It would be a better world if we could all agree that we should judge each person as an individual, but that’s not the world Democrats want to live in. They want to live in a world where people’s accomplishments, character and beliefs are secondary to the color of their skin. It’s too bad that they chose to embrace that kind of racism and they don’t deserve your support unless they move away from it.

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