
Monday, August 13, 2018

Sarah Hoyt: "We Are The Counterculture"

You know you're the counterculture when you shock people by telling them you support President Trump.
Every culture has some sort of counterculture within it, the opposition to what most people see/believe/like. How strong that counterculture is and how opposed to the actual culture depends not so much on how functional the culture is, as on how many different voices can be heard. Paradoxically, the more uniform the culture, the more conformity is enforced, the stronger and more serious the counterculture will be, although it often doesn’t diverge that much from the main culture.
But you know what shocks the middle classes in many places? Particularly those “well to do” places fairly well in the grip of the current Marxist establishment? A belief in the free market, individual rights, those liberties guaranteed in the Constitution. I have a gay friend in NYC who can render people speechless by displaying his voter registration. Yes, he’s a registered Republican. It is so shocking he doesn’t normally do it because some people become hysterical. I’ve managed to make most of my field try to — for real — marginalize me by coming out as a small-l libertarian (or a Constitutionalist, if you prefer.)

We are the counterculture. What we create is vibrant and interesting because we are breaking the taboos of the oppressive over culture.

Those sad people writing about ever smaller and more oppressed minorities? Boring. The pathetic artists sculpting penises and smearing strange substances on themselves? They are the equivalent of the academic style in art, in its dying days. They have nothing new to say or yo show.

But we? We can still blow all the taboos and barriers without even trying.
We are the counterculture. We are the very much needed ferment in the stale culture of the west.

Arise and create! Live lives that amaze and scare the left! You can do it by adhering to your principles and being a decent human being.

Our very existence threatens everything they are and believe in.

In the end, we win they lose. Until then, let’s rock their worlds and blow their minds.

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