
Friday, October 26, 2018

Roger Simon: "Does It Matter Which Crazy Sent the Bombs?"

Even if Brennan was misspelled, Occam's razor is beginning to spell "HOAX" correctly. But by and for whom? Here as well we don't know, but again followers of William of Ockham would tend to point you toward the left wing -- a single leftie nutcase or some Antifa types, perhaps. After all, cui bono? With Kavanaugh and the caravan, things were not looking good for the Democrats. The subject had to be changed before it was too late and the blue wave turned red. So far, however, it's not working.

No wonder the reliably left-leaning Chuck Todd is suddenly pointing toward Russia, not some MAGA-hatted redneck with a Confederate flag tattooed on his chest, as the perpetrator. It's a dead giveaway. He's probably hoping for the Russians now. Because if it goes as it's currently looking, it's bad news for his team.

But back to my opening paragraph. In a rational world, this does not matter. Certainly whoever is responsible for this heinous activity should be taken off the streets for life as soon possible for the protection of the public. But their identity and motivation mean very little ultimately. Quite simply, whatever "side" they're on or think they're on -- they're nuts.

In a giant country like ours, simple math tells us there always will be a percentage of truly aberrant individuals on all sides ready to act out. The politically correct thing to say is we should "cool our jets." But, in truth, even if the rhetoric dies down, even if Schumer and Pelosi find it in their hearts to forgive Donald Trump (not likely) or Donald promises to throw away his iPhone, forego Twitter, and invite Rosie O'Donnell to have her wedding free of charge at Mar-a-Lago, it will not change. Such disturbed people will always exist. The Unabomber pre-dated all the contemporary online noise. There's no way around this behavior unless we start controlling our DNA, not an appealing prospect, except perhaps to the late Margaret Sanger.

In a very odd way, this whole event is not news. It's a sideshow.

Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about "fake news"! To suggest that Cesar Sayoc is part of a liberal conspiracy is ridiculous - a classic example of believing in "alternative facts".
