
Friday, October 05, 2018

The trap they laid for Kavanaugh (via Althouse)

It's not a bug, it's a feature! Basically this entire process has been designed from the get go as a Kafkaesque trap:

1) Hey, there are some terrible accusations and if you don't withdraw, they are going to come out and it's going to be embarrassing for you and your family. You should withdraw.
2) Okay, you deny the accusations and aren't withdrawing? Well we're going to draw this out so that all the crazies can come out of the woodwork and accuse you of being a closet horrific criminal. Don't make us have a hearing - you don't want that.
3) Okay, you're going to cause us to have a hearing? We're going to make sure the salaciousness of every accusation is stretched out in loving detail on TV.
4) Oh, this makes you angry? Well that's clearly a sign that you lack the temperament to be on the court.
5) You point out how partisan this has been? Clearly you're not going to be a fair umpire on the court. We, who were never going to vote for your confirmation anyway, are shocked that any potential justice would consider these obviously partisan attacks as partisan.
6) Does this process make you angry bro? Well, by the way you're acting, it's possible to see that this has damaged your mind and you're probably no longer fit to be on the court.
7) Oh, you got confirmed anyway? Nearly half the country is going to think of you as a rapist for the rest of your life. It'll be mentioned in every biography ever written about you and will be one of the only thing that anyone remembers about you in the future.

I cannot wait to see who wants to go through this process in the future. And boy, howdy, I cannot wait for the next time a Democratic president tries to get someone confirmed. It's gonna be lit!

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