
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Does the FBI and the DOJ need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission?

After the end of Apartheid, the South African government established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa (TRC), a court-like body to help heal the country and bring about a reconciliation of its people by uncovering the truth about human rights violations that had occurred during the period of apartheid.   

Its emphasis was on gathering evidence and uncovering information—from both victims and perpetrators rather than prosecuting individuals for past crimes.

Perhaps we need a TRC to allow people in the Justice Department and the FBI to come forward and admit the abuse of civil rights that occurred during the Obama Administration as officials in the FBI and the Justice Department conspired to prevent the election of Donald Trump and, following the election, to engineer a slow-motion coup against a duly elected president. 
It appears that naming a new FBI director, Christopher Wray has done nothing to end the cover-up that continues unabated.   

The FBI just sent 29 armed and armored agents to arrest a 66-year-old man with no criminal record for the purpose of a televised “perp walk” designed to inflame the public.   

The DOJ refuses to reveal why, on the morning of November 19th, sixteen FBI agents raided the Maryland home of a DOJ whistleblower who was in possession of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One documents implicating Robert Mueller who now heads a group aimed at removing President Trump from office.

The DOJ has empowered a two-year investigation of any links between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin with the result of zero findings of collusion but the creation of process crimes created by the investigator.  

We are told that there are honest people in the FBI and DOJ who are angry about the cloud that now hovers over their departments.  If these people could come forward without fear of losing their jobs or going to prison, would that allow the truth to be revealed?  Would Truth and Reconciliation prevail, or are the battle lines now so sharply drawn between the sides that one side must destroy the other?

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