
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Rape Survivor Lara Logan Gets Cold Shoulder from Media

Television journalist Lara Logan poked the mainstream media beehive last week in a no-holds-barred interview where she bluntly accused many reporters of becoming “political activists” and even “propagandists” for the Left and said journalism has descended into “absolute horses**t.” The response has been furious, personal, and devoid of the respect normally demanded for rape survivors.

Lara Logan is a rape survivor in the most literal no-horsesh**t sense of the term. She was assaulted by a mob in Cairo while covering the Arab Spring uprising in February 2011 for CBS News and could easily have been killed. She has made it clear in numerous interviews that she feared for her life and found the strength to survive by thinking about her children.

Nevertheless, she persisted, and found herself surrounded by a throng of two or three hundred predatory men who were not so much angry as jubilant at the fall of Hosni Mubarak’s regime. They waited until the camera covering Logan died to make their move:...

“I really was, in a way, fighting for my dignity and fighting to prevent that from happening. I faced the fact that I had no dignity left. You’re naked and a crowd of people have your body. You’re being raped and sodomized. There’s no dignity left in that,” she said.

It is important to recount the horrific details of Lara Logan’s gang rape because the media establishment she used to work for refuses to dwell on them. If she were a liberal in good standing attacked by a less politically incorrect group of assailants, she would be treated as a national hero, her incredible courage celebrated for years to come.

We are only a few months removed from such hero treatment being lavished on women who suddenly came forward with implausible and unproven allegations of decades-old misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Those women were universally described as “survivors,” but Lara Logan never is. Criticism of those women – even polite questions about the inconsistencies in their claims – was denounced as “attacking” them, but Lara Logan enjoys no such courtesy. The left long ago decided Logan is a “right-wing shill,” and that political identity trumps everything else about her.

If anyone tells you that the people in the media care about rape and its victims, they are lying. They shed crocodile tears over Brett Kavanaugh's accuser and were "outraged" after hearing Jussie Smollet's fake story. They make martyrs over women who traded sex for movie parts. But they turn a cold shoulder to a woman who was gang raped because her rape was an inconvenient truth during the Obama administration.

The fall of Hosni Mubarak was supposed to be a lovely flowering of democracy. The view Lara Logan got of the proceedings from that filthy street in Cairo did not fit the narrative, so her story does not loom large in the media’s collective memory.

Read the whole thing.

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