
Monday, March 18, 2019

Religion should look like and act like religion — or why bother?

A healthy religion is predicated on recognizing every individual’s divine spark. Based upon that premise, it sets out rules for living that optimize healthy relationships at both the broadest and smallest reaches of society. In that regard, I highly recommend Dennis Prager’s 10 Commandments videos, for they explain how the Commandments are not just irritating prohibitions against letting people “be free,” but are, instead, the surest pathway to a free, safe, and successful society. The Ten Commandments set out abstract principles that, once properly understood, can and should apply to all people regardless of race, color, country of national original, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Once a society catches on to this, you will not find a better place or time on earth to live.


But if that reform takes you away from central principles and even away from God himself, I ask again: Why bother? You don’t want religion; you just want to force a traditional institution to make you feel good about yourself. Worse, you’re willing to destroy the institution — and the benefits that accrue to society if the institution is an inherently healthy one — to reach that end.

UPDATE: This excellent article nicely discusses the way Leftists co-opt religion for nefarious ends.

UPDATE II: Coincidentally, my friend Mike McDaniel was thinking along lines similar to mine. He’s written a wonderful post about the way in which America’s churches are being torn asunder by Social Justice Warriors anxious to impose their left-wing values on traditional faiths — and to take off with all the money and buildings while they’re at it.

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