
Saturday, March 30, 2019

The High-Stakes Game of Turnabout Playing Out in the Aftermath of the Mueller Investigation

It will not be long before we begin hearing the question: "what did Obama know and when did he know it?"

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, one can make the equivalent argument that a probe against Obama officials would be just as much "a good faith attempt to investigate a credible charge" as the Mueller investigation. But one should not deceive oneself into not realizing that the ultimate targets of such a course would be Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Such a turnabout would not end the crisis which began in the waning days of the Obama administration, it would only change its direction. And then some other king would lie on the political floor and the whole point of a peaceful transition of power which "is to prevent a clash between kings" would still be in ruins. Perhaps this is why Karl Rove is urging Trump, having won the round, to move on; for by considering the affair closed, Trump could restore the tradition of comity, which has been damaged.

Or could he? In the current political culture, magnanimity is unlikely to be met with gratitude, unless the words are spat out with irony. Passions are high and neither side appears willing to give an inch. It may take time before an extended hand is not met by a punch. The fever must still run its course. One can only hope the fever breaks before the patient does.

When politics becomes a blood sport you know you've gone too far.  But the point of no-return was passed when the coup against Trump started. 

"When you strike at a king you must kill him."  The Democrats missed and now some are beginning to realize their peril. 

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