
Sunday, August 04, 2019

Jay Nordlinger shows how to get invited to the best parties

Jay Nordlinger and the rest of the NeverTrumpers at National Review are best described as cuckservatives.  A cuckservative is someone who has been losing the culture war against the Left for generations while doing well for themselves by writing for “conservative” publications and selling cruises to gullible conservatives in “flyover country.”  

If they run for office they promise to repeal ObamaCare, cut taxes, roll back regulation and appoint conservatives to the Supreme Court.  When they get into office they explain that those rascally Democrats get in the way of accomplishing all these things so vote Republican even more!  And when Republicans get both houses of Congress and the Presidency they'll tell you that it still isn't enough.  

The classic hallmark of the cuckservative is the dogmatic repetition of nostrums – like free trade – while ignoring the devastation this has on the millions who lose their jobs as a result.   

Their arguments are always high-minded and principled even as the Left eviscerates them.  They would not dream of fighting back, giving as good as they got because "that would make us as bad as them."  

In the political arena, they have perfected the art of losing like Boy Scouts while the Left kicks sand in their faces and eats their lunch.  I refer you to loser John McCain (whose staff destroyed Sarah Palin, and who told supporters not to boo Obama) and loser Mitt Romney (who demanded Turm apologize to Antifa and had nothing to say when the Candy Crowley jumped into the debate ring on the side of Obama).  They are terrified of appearing to be politically incorrect, especially when they might be accused of that most sinister of crimes against humanity, racism. 

For years they have lived on the patrimony of William F. Buckley who, while a flashy verbal gladiator, appealed to that part of the political spectrum that never connected with the working class.  What can you say about a man who runs for mayor of New York City and – when asked what he would do if he won, replied: “ask for a recount.”  Clever, and memorable, but indicative of the fact that Bill - who I admired - was a show horse. 

And for decades they have revered Ronald Reagan as the ultimate Republican politician.  Successful, avuncular, beloved by everyone on the Right as he was hated by the Left.  In fact, Saint Reagan was everything that the NeverTrumpers told us Trump is not.

So what does Nordlinger do when it turns out that Reagan was less than complimentary about African nations in the United Nations that voted against the US in recognizing Communist China?  Here’s the transcript: “Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!”

That’s when Nordlinger throws Reagan under the bus.

Undiplomatic, perhaps, but it was a private conversation between Presidents.  To this day most of those African nations are poverty-stricken hell-holes run be kleptocrats, many of whose people cannot afford shoes.  Some of those leaders have - in my lifetime - actually eaten their enemies.  

Many of us find your asininity sickening, Jay.  Bend over because here it comes again, Jay.  You’re the reason that Trump is President, Jay; because normal people are pretty damn sick of the way the Left is able to define the words we are allowed to use Jay.  

 I call people monkeys all the time without reference to race.  My grandkids are little monkeys; is that racist? 

Trump identifies the Squad, a quartet of female Socialist anti-Semites, as America-hating left-wing bozos and the Greek chorus of Trump haters tell us that it’s racist and we’re supposed to believe that?  

 He refers to Baltimore as “rat-infested” and that’s classified as racist.  Is it Jay?  Because believe me, large parts of Baltimore are third-world areas and some parts of the city are deadly. 

Golf - has been defined by the Left – as “racist.”   

White skin is irredeemably racist. Israel is racist.  Criticizing Japan and China is racist (just ask VOX).  The “N” word is racist – unless it’s uttered by a rapper, then it’s stripped of its racism. 

 Other things that are racist: hoop earrings, Star Treck is racist, Dr. Seuss is racist,  Justin Trudeau is racist, Dunkirk is racist, Dove soap is racist, The word “clan” is racist, wearing latex gloves is racist, and Taco Bell is racist. 

Put a little pressure on Jay and he'll tell you that whatever any Conservative said is "sickening" because racist.

I have a word of advice for Normal people, if you find yourself under attack and jump into a foxhole, make sure that Jay Nordlinger doesn’t join you.  If the enemy doesn’t kill you, Jay will do that job for them, gratis. 

And, Jay, note that the vulgar Donald Trump managed to gut ObamaCare, pass a huge tax cut, reduce regulation and appoint two great conservatives to the Supreme Court all in face of the combined opposition of the press, Democrats, and many so-called Republicans.  That only makes you hate him even more because it shows that your and your kind are losers. 

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