
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Quick, Don’t Think of a Black Elephant

Vanderleun and the "N" word:

The new racism in America stinks. The whole revolting social media rapping and raping has filled me with a new found revulsion for our politics. I’d thought that in the last year I had seen the raw and rotten bottom of our politics. I forgot that for the progressives bent on the destruction of freedom there really is no bottom. And hence I am compelled to commit the following thoughtcrime.

My crime is this: by writing out the following word, “nigger,” I have just committed a social crime more heinous than smoking a cigarette within three miles of a day-care center. I have committed thoughtcrime with no crimestop. But what is done, sigh, is done.

I’ve done many thing in my life that have made me potentially unelectable to any office in the United States.

I’ve had points of view that were out when conservatism was in, and points of view that were out when liberalism was in. I’ve started magazines and worked for magazines that printed pictures of naked women and letters that began “I never thought I’d be writing this to a magazine, but….”

Yes, I am one American citizen whose chances of being elected to anything, before this essay, hovered at .001 %. But with the single word in the essay above I have, for all eternity, sealed my political doom. That word, that dastardly N-word, has now become part of my “Permanent Conduct Record,”...

It is not, mind you, that “The N-Word” is forbidden or never heard in this fair land at this time. On the contrary, “nigger” is spoken, sung, shouted and roared from the rooftops of our culture to an extent I have never witnessed in all my decades.

The word is blasted across the blank forebrain of our culture every minute of every hour of every day. Not only can it be bought in huge quantities at every online and offline record/DVD store in the country, it is also blasted into our city streets by large vehicles mounting sound systems that can drop a charging rhino at 100 yards and cause small dogs to implode in penthouses high above our ticky-tacky boulevards. At vast nocturnal gatherings of our most vital and hyper-sexual young people, the word is drummed out in endless celebratory chants as all assembled shake, shake, shake their money makers to the non-stop N-chants of our perpetually preening princes of pop. If rappers were smart enough to be pilots, they’d sky-write it.

For, lo, this Word of N which once emblemized both race-hate and a degraded and disgraced secondary state of humanity has, through the alchemy of the asses and the asinine among us, been mystically transmogrified into something approaching a holy incantation. From a mongrel word it has be made magical. An abracadabra of assholiness. But the use of this magic word has, as the high priests of pap always assure us, been made unavailable to the many to enhance the power of the few.

The N-Word is the carrier of a strange disease. It is a disease that those who would benefit most from its eradication seek desperately to maintain.

The Word of N is now the sole possession of the REMD (Racial Establishment of Monetized Defeatism). It is a closely held stock whose possession assures that, the more we strive to put racism behind us in this country, the more it will be kept alive in order to maintain the parasite of racism’s ability to feed upon the host culture and continue to enrich its stockholders.

The N-Word is the carrier of a strange disease. It is a disease that those who would benefit most from its eradication seek desperately to maintain. After all, if the scourge of racism were ever allowed to fade from our land, where would all the people with jobs and investments in the continuance of racism go? How would they live? How would their mortgages be paid and how would their car, boat and second-home payments be met?

For if racism is allowed to die a natural death, isn’t the Race-Hustling industry also on-line for the grave as well? This can’t be allowed to happen. Too many people are getting too rich.

The crowning irony is that those benefiting are not all black. Not by a long shot. That is why rather than sending the N-Word into a well-deserved oblivion with the ghosts of the KKK and the lynch mob, it has been made, instead, into a Holy Word; a cross between a mantra and a prayer with just a whiff of violence attached so you don’t get too cocky with it.

I am “one of those” who are denied access to this new Holy Word simply by an accident of my birth and racial heritage. It matters not one whit what the First Amendment may say about all English words being free to all, there is one word there that is not free to me, and I may not say it or write it ever without dire consequences to my social and political and employment chances in America today.

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