
Monday, December 16, 2019

The media injected venom into the American bloodstream. They must be made to pay.

The blatant lies told by the Obama spies and spooks in the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ were broadcast and repeated .... and repeated .... and repeated by a national news media that hated Trump and hated the people who voted for him and were willing to do literally anything to overturn the 2016 election. 

These criminals have torn the country apart; destroyed individuals and families and encouraged the evil, lying, plotters in the government as they saw how well their lies were working. 

The media poisoners must be held accountable.  They can't be allowed to continue in their cushy, highly paid jobs.  Neither can they be allowed to simply fade away.  They must be made examples of for the evil they have done.  A wise judge once remarked that a man must be hung for killing his wife not because he may kill another wife - he may never marry again - but as an example to deter others from killing their wives.  So it must be with the media liars without whose sinister and baneful assistance this threat to the Republic would not have existed. 

Perhaps these revelations will finally lead to a realization about how rogue, and dangerous, these police state agencies have become, and how urgently needed is serious reform. But if nothing else, it must serve as a tonic to the three years of unrelenting media propaganda that has deceived and misled millions of Americans into believing things that are simply untrue.

None of these journalists have acknowledged an iota of error in the wake of this report because they know that lying is not just permitted but encouraged as long as it pleases and vindicates the political beliefs of their audiences. Until that stops, credibility and faith in journalism will never be restored, and – despite how toxic it is to have a media that has no claim on credibility – that despised status will be fully deserved.

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