
Sunday, February 02, 2020

Democrats’ Election Strategy: Call Everyone A Moron

Great headline, and so true.

Democrats may have abandoned their overtly racist tactics of the past, but their goals remain the same: divide to conquer.

That may work in small pockets, but nationwide it is a recipe for disaster. “You’re a racist, now vote for me” or “You’re a moron, now vote for me” may resonate well on CNN or when spoken about others in the third person at high-dollar fundraisers on the coasts, but they aren’t slogans that will win you many votes from the rest of the nation in between.

While a “news” story entitled, “Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity,” sounds great in the echo chamber of a CNN staff meeting, you’d have difficulty finding anyone sane who gives a damn about the race of their doctor when they’re sick. No one with a heart condition is walking out of the office of the best heart surgeon in the world because their skin color isn’t “diverse” enough.

But this seems to be what Democrats are pinning their 2020 hopes on – that people will ignore or discount how good they have it because “Orange Man Bad.” It seems unlikely that people they need votes from will, after 4 years of being called racist, sexist, homophobic, fat, stupid, rubes controlled by their fear, will go out and support candidates who promise to reverse the gains they’ve made under the Trump administration and embrace the policies crippling economies from Venezuela to France. But Democrats are going to try. Good luck with that.

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