
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus panic makes no sense so I’ve got a few theories

There are a number of reasons, but most of the blame can be placed at the foot of the Shithole Press.

8. This is the only time in my life history that the media has reported every single hospital death anywhere in the world. Keep in mind that death is both normal and inevitable despite the fact that, in the modern world, we’ve managed to stave it off until late in life, not to mention hiding deaths away in the hospital. The reality is that a ton of people die every die around the world and here in America.

According to the world death clock, 56,000,000 people die every year around the world. That’s about 4,666,666 per month. That means that, in an average year, we should expect 13,999,998 deaths around the world by the end of March. Can you imagine if the media reported every death in breathless tones, along with buckets of blame?

Which is connected to:

10. The American media want to hurt Donald Trump. It is therefore in the media’s interest to make this experience as bad as it can possibly be. No matter what Trump does, he’s lambasted for having done the wrong thing or, if he did the correct thing, for having the wrong motives. Given how terribly wrong he is, every death is his fault and every penny’s damage to the economy is his fault too.

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