
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Liberalism isn’t even hypocrisy. It’s just one giant lie wrapped in a scam and dipped in unadulterated bullSchiff.

Remember, we have to believe all women…except when it’s a liberal like Bad Touch Biden who is doing the grabbing, in which case she’s either a lying tramp who wanted it or she simply doesn’t exist. You know, all these differing rules about how we are supposed to react to #MeToo stuff seems really complex and difficult, since they change based on the ideology of the alleged pervert, but it’s really simple if you just understand one simple thing.

The liberal outrage is all a lie and a scam.

They don’t give a damn about women getting treated like garbage. Not even a little. They just want to leverage bogus claims of #MeToo accusations against conservatives like Brett Kavanaugh for cheap political advantage. That’s why when a Democrat does it – and they know he’s doing it – all you hear is the sound of silence and complicity.

Being a Democrat means free passes for making passes, or worse. Everyone knew Bill Clinton was a scumbag – even now his wrinkly carcass is probably soaking in a hot tub with a couple of exotic dancers on loan from The Gilded Pastie. Not even Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit cares. She’s got her Chardonnay and her Twitter account where she can chuckle about the pandemic and imagine that if she had remembered Wisconsin and was president, she would have ordered a million new ventilators back in August because she’s smart.

And everyone knew that sauced harpy’s donor and pal Harvey – hell, he was every liberal’s donor and pal – was leaving no starlet unturned out. Weinstein fell not because liberals were outraged but because he was on the losing side of an internal power struggle against the old guard elite within liberalism. Suddenly, overnight, Harvey’s wink-wink nudge-nudge quirks turned from awards show joke fodder into something sinister. But his behavior never changed.

And the same goes for Jeffrey Epstein, who didn’t kill himself.

Liberals don’t care until they are forced to care. And even then they only pretend to care.

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