
Wednesday, April 08, 2020

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

We’ve been under the crushing dominion of one particular evil riddling sphinx for a long time now: the PSYOP tyranny of Postmodernism. For decades, global elitists have gone all in on a society-wide Cultural Marxist system of deceit and manipulation as a means to gather unaccountable power.

These indoctrinated idiots either really believe reality must conform to their word games and enforced opinions, or they know it’s a scam, but expect us to submit to it. We are supposed to not believe our lying eyes, and follow the thought leaders.

Going along with them is what has brought us to this catastrophe.

I believe what we are going through now-a wildly overblown reaction to a suspiciously timed outbreak- is because, after an uninterrupted winning streak for decades, the establishment is losing. This mother of all false flag operations is their desperate means of self-defense....

I wouldn’t be surprised if this sudden-and yet-strangely-choreographed meltdown was pre-planned, and was scheduled to occur during a Hillary Clinton presidency. What an opportunity it would have been for that hag and her Chinese partners-in-crime to oversee the permanent dismantling of our constitutional republic! It’s bad enough, even with President Trump doing his best to work around, through, and over all the traitors embedded in our institutions. When Trump talks about an invisible enemy, he’s not just talking about a virus.

But here’s a twist. What if the rough beast slouching our way this time is not the latest oppressor, but is the terrifying prospect of actual freedom?

We have been in the thrall of a Ruling Class that had become truly evil. Recall that just before the world shut down the biggest issues facing us was that there were hundreds of sexes and the top of the cultural totem pole demanded that we identified our preferred pronouns? That "Xer" was a word? That parents subjected their children to sex assignment surgeries and hormones to transform little boys to girls and vice versa? The the public bathroom you entered depended on whether your felt girlish or boyish that day? That seems now like it happened long, long ago in a galaxy far away.  But these were issues that dominated academia, the "arts" and popular culture and anyone who scoffed at them was made an outcast.

Where do we still see them, the Masters of the Universe who are "our betters/"  Watch the daily press briefings by President Trump and see the performing monkeys of the Washington Press Corps and you will see them in action.  And then realize that a lot of what you see is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.  The real bosses of these idiots, the chairmen and presidents, the movers and the shakers have made a big financial commitment to China and they answer to them now or face financial ruin.

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