
Sunday, April 26, 2020

The "Cure" Is Killing More People Than Coronavirus - Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing

YouTube deleted this video. I have found it again and am linking to it.

I have added the following comment.

Scott Adams commented on the statistics that the doctors cited as junk science. I can see his point. The statistics the doctors cited were not based on testing of the general population, but of those who went to their clinics. If you test the people who come to a clinic, it's reasonable to assume that they have are sick. If you test them and the tests show that a high percentage have the Wuhan virus that does not mean that the general population - people who are not sick or show no symptoms - has an equal percentage of people with the virus.

So it's fine to dispute the doctors' data and explain that their experience does not represent the general population. More widespread testing - testing random people who are not sick - will determine what the actual numbers are. But when will be able to test 300 million people?

But the answer to the doctors is not to delete them. It's not to make them disappear. It's Orwellian; it's the very definition of censorship. It's evil. Recall the day when people quoted Voltaire: "I may not agree with a word you say, but defend to the death your right to say it." How many people in power, how many of the moguls that run Big Tech believe that? Not one. Their answer to people who disagree is "Shut Up."

YouTube is a lie. It's not you, me and him putting our videos up for people to watch. It's a huge company that controls a major channel of communication. And it's demonstrated many, many times that it's controlled by people who have no regard for you, for your opinions or for your right to participate in the great national debate on the critical issues of the day.

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