
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Most Tragic Case of Governmental, Medical, and Media Malpractice In the History of the World

This is worth considering. The Wuhan flu is being used to do things to the people and institutions of this country that we would never have allowed under ordinary circumstances.

Tens of millions of now desperate, depressed, angry, unemployed Americans, coupled with thousands of small business owners now out of business, have been told for weeks to “suck it up and do as you’re told” by politicians, academics, federal officials, media talking-heads, and celebrities who either have guaranteed, gold-plated jobs and healthcare plans, or seven-figure salaries, and millions in the bank.

The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment” to be inflicted upon criminal defendants. And yet, that same Constitutional consideration is not being afforded to those tens of millions of Americans whose lives have been negatively affected, or even destroyed, by draconian lockdowns which do amount to the most “cruel and unusual punishment” in the history of our Republic.

And then, from within that, tens of millions of Americans numbers, comes the – purposely – uncounted number of our fellow citizens who have died as a direct result of the lockdowns. Deaths from suicide, stress, drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse, or those who had serious pre-existing medical conditions but were scared away from the hospitals and life-saving treatment.

Read the whole thing.

OTOH is this is a plot to radically transform the country, destroy the Republic and impoverish its people, what would the plotters have done differently?

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