
Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Mule’s Work

Donald Trump is something like a character in the Azimov novels "The Foundation" series;  a person who has the ability to make people like him.  In my case it's because of his enemies.
What we are seeing is the work of The Mule. In the Asimov novels. The Mule is a special character, so special in fact that he is assumed to not exist. In fact, according to the known rules of the universe, he cannot exist. Because he does exist, thus invalidating the rules of the universe, he is the ultimate destroyer of worlds. His ability “is to reach into the minds of others and “adjust” their emotions, individually or en masse, using this capability to conscript individuals to his cause.”

This is Trump. In the primary, he won mostly by causing the Republican Party to go insane and destroy itself. In the general, the media went nuts and convinced the Democrats they had nothing to fear. In Washington, the establishment has taken every opportunity to discredit itself in a mad quest to deny the reality of Trump. In this pandemic, the masters of the universe seem to be determined to do everything they can to invalidate themselves and legitimize their enemies.
What else would make Nancy Pelosi go on TV standing in front of a pair of $14,000 Sub-Zero refrigerators holding super-expensive tubs of premium ice cream?

And here's an interesting point; one that no one I know has focused on: can the Internet giants like Facebook, whose business model depends totally on advertising, exist in a world that stops advertising?

The madness of self-invalidation is probably just starting. Due to the crack down on economic activity, things like advertising buys have halted. So much of the internet economy, particularly the media, depends on the belief that money spent on ads and marketing is money well-spent. It was never true, but the new reality will suddenly bring that into focus. In whatever comes next, spending lavishly on ads and marketing data harvested by social media companies will be minimized.

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