
Monday, May 11, 2020

China's Incestuous Relationship with the WHO Might Be Worse Than We Originally Thought

It looks like the head of the Chinese Communist Party got the World Health Organization to delay telling the  world about the Wuhan flu for up to 6 weeks, during which the virus was allowed ot spread throughout the world.

President Xi Jinping personally asked Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to delay publishing vital information about the Wuhan coronavirus, the Daily Caller reported. Specifically, Xi wanted the WHO to not tell the world that the coronavirus was transmitted from person-to-person, the BND, German's Federal Intelligence Service, concluded.

“The BND’s verdict is harsh: At least four, if not six, weeks have been lost in Beijing’s information policy in the fight against the virus,” German magazine Der Spiegel reported.

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