
Thursday, May 28, 2020

In praise of Kayleigh McEnany

Is Kayleigh McEnany the best Press Secretary in history? I think she may be. True, it’s early days. She was elevated to the position only in April and presided over her first briefing just a few weeks ago on May 1. But so far her tenure has been glorious. Despite having attended both Georgetown and Harvard, where she took a law degree, she remains quick-witted, forthright and occupies a cant-free zone that suffuses the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room with a spirit of patriotic candor that is as welcome as it is rare in the self-involved purlieus of the so-called mainstream media.

She is also, I think it important to observe, distinctly dishy, another advantage. ‘Oooo, that’s sexist,’ the churls, scolds, pajama boys, and other moist chihuahuas of the press will object. ‘You can’t say that she is good looking. That doesn’t matter.’ Right-o, chum, that doesn’t matter. Put it in your report before you head back to the ditto pool to get your pencils sharpened....

Wallace complained that ‘McEnany isn’t acting like she is working for the public. She acts like she is what she used to be, which is a spokesperson for the Trump campaign.’

‘If Kayleigh McEnany had asked Sam Donaldson and me what questions we should ask, that would not have gone well,’ he intoned. Oh dear. Not the great Sam Donaldson! Scourge of would be tyrants, speaker of truth-to-power! Where is the air-sickness bag, the one marked ‘for use with self-important blowhards’?

Read the whole thing.

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