
Saturday, May 02, 2020

Legacy news, social media giants converge in new era of censorship

We have a lot of dumb people in this country. But the difference between the stupidities cherished by the Idiocracy set ingesting fish cleaner, and the ones pushed in places like the Atlantic, is that the jackasses among the “expert” class compound their wrongness by being so sure of themselves that they force others to go along. In other words, to combat “ignorance,” the scolders create a new and more virulent species of it: exclusive ignorance, forced ignorance, ignorance with staying power.

Censorship, he writes, is hardly the answer, and crushing “less well-known sources” only hurts journalism.

“The people who want to add a censorship regime to a health crisis are more dangerous and more stupid by leaps and bounds than a president who tells people to inject disinfectant,” he concluded.

The last quote is by Liberal journalist Matt Taibbi who can't stop telling lies about Trump even as he's criticizing the dictators on the Left.

We have a lot of dumb people in this country, but the dumb ones on the Left have the power to tell the rest of us to shut up - or else.

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