
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Obama and Me: How I Knew Obama Was a Bad Guy Before Anyone Else

I've been writing about "Obama the bad guy" for many years. I was the first to name former President Barack Obama the head of the Obama crime family. I coined the phrase "Obamagate" to describe his reign of crimes against candidate and then President Donald J. Trump.

Obama's public persona was always a scam. I knew the real Obama -- way before anyone else caught on.
Obama was the capo di tutti of the Obama crime family. He gave the orders. He gave the approval. He was in the room as each crime was hatched.

How did I know before anyone else? Why did I believe Obama was capable of committing such high crimes and treason? Because of my personal history with Obama.

I was Obama's classmate at Columbia University, class of 1983. We were both pre-law and political science majors. I was also on the Libertarian presidential ticket in 2008 -- the first time in U.S. history that college classmates ran on opposing presidential tickets. What are the odds?

During the campaign, I was asked in hundreds of media interviews: "Were you two friends at Columbia University? What was Obama like?" I always answered honestly: "I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him. And I don't know a single classmate who ever met him either." I repeated this story hundreds of times.

At the time, I was also a regular guest on Fox News, where I branded Obama a radical socialist whose policies would ruin the U.S. economy, retard economic growth and kill millions of jobs. I was proved right. That must have made Obama even angrier.

I had clearly gotten under Obama's skin. Soon the IRS came knocking. I was targeted for destruction. It was a witch hunt, persecution and intimidation all in one.

It was the worst IRS attack any tax lawyer I spoke to had ever heard about. They all agreed that I was on the president's enemies list.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch took my case, and together, over a two-year period, we forced the IRS to hand over my personal tax files. This was a political persecution based on my conservative political beliefs. The proof was written all over my files.

President Obama clearly hated my guts because I had embarrassed him repeatedly in the national media. So, he decided to use the power of government to destroy me. That's a crime, by the way.

If Obama hated me that much, think about how he must have felt about famous billionaire celebrity Donald Trump, who had questioned whether Obama is even an American citizen. Trump had tortured Obama in the national media. Then Trump was about to succeed him as president with a promise to erase everything he accomplished.

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